Saturday, February 11, 2006

12 Emperors of Dynasty Qing X

10th Emperor: Tóngzhì 同治(Mùzōng 穆宗) 1861 - 1875

He became an emperor of Qing at age of five when his father, XianFeng passed away. Although his title was an emperor of Qing, but the person who really ruled the empire was his mother, Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后. The traditional Chinese political phrase "attending audiences behind a drawn curtain" (垂簾聽政), which had already been used earlier in Chinese history, was used to describe Cixi's rule through her son the Tongzhi Emperor. This was due to the fact that ladies could not interfere with the governmental ruling during Dynasty Qing.

"People who deny history do not have his story."

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