Sunday, July 02, 2006

Berkshire's 40 Years Wisdom of Life 4

"The attitude of our managers vividly contrasts with that of the young man who married a tycoon’s only child, a decidedly homely and dull lass. Relieved, the father called in his new son-in-law after the wedding and began to discuss the future:
“Son, you’re the boy I always wanted and never had. Here’s a stock certificate for 50% of the company. You’re my equal partner from now on.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Now, what would you like to run? How about sales?”
“I’m afraid I couldn’t sell water to a man crawling in the Sahara.”
“Well then, how about heading human relations?”
“I really don’t care for people.”
“No problem, we have lots of other spots in the business. What would you like to do?”
“Actually, nothing appeals to me. Why don’t you just buy me out?”

(“Whose bread I eat, his song I sing.”)" -- Warren Buffett, Letter to Shareholders, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 2005.


Rxbbx said...

my grandma always made those bread teddybears and other puppets with special days. i am from holland.. it's something from the past here. normally you also make those eyes with other stuff and sweet things..

L.I.D said...

My kind of guy!