In the investment world, there is no difference. To determine the success of the investment is not judged by one or few times success. After all, for such short moment, luck plays an important role. For example, when there was a technology boom time, chip manufacturers enjoyed a handsome return. It also applies to other commodity type companies such as Steel manufacturer where it enjoyed a handsome return during 2004. The problem of this commodity type companies is they lack of competitive advantage and its boom solely depend on the cycle of the industry. They would spend much for the capital expenditure (capex) to expand their production when there is a boom time. With the products with enjoyed no loyalty by the customers, the only consideration by the customers is PRICE. Capex by manufacturers during booming time will flooded market with excess supplies for the same products. As a teaching of economics, when the supply is more than demand, ultimately the price will drop. This will put the suppliers into dilemma – the excess products they produced no where to go since the demand is less than supply. Thus, it will initial a price war that is never ending and erode the margin of the suppliers. The cycle repeat again and again. Same scenario could be seen in the racing circuit, the car which leads during 10th, 21st, 32nd….lap does not mean it is the winner of the race. The winner only comes out after it completes the entire race, which is finish all 56 laps.
That is why whenever salesman approaching you and promoting his fund and shows you outstanding 3 months, 1 year, 3 years or even 5 years results of the fund does not guarantee that the outstanding results of the fund will be continue for next 10, 20, 30 or 40 years. After all, there are many ways to boast the results for short term but the tricks used will not long last. The character of hoping to grab short term profit or is patience enough to grab the long term profit is the character that distinguish between speculator and investor. Both are greedy – Investor is greed for long term while speculator is greed for short term. Which character are you belong to?
Technorati Tags: Formula 1, F1, Kuala Lumpur, Investment, capex, Renault, McLaren
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